Host an OCN Event

Has your Orthodox Faith been inspired and encouraged by the OCN programming, services and community. Do you want to share our media ministry mission and programs. Please consider hosting an OCN event like a dinner for your friends, a coffee hour after church, or activity benefiting the OCN.


Support OCN with a fundraiser. Together we can find a suitable date and time, secure your venue, and create the logistics of how the event will run. The OCN team can be reached at 1-888-MYOCN97.

For materials for your event click here>>





Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) is a 501(c)3 and an official agency of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops of the United States of America. It is a recognized leader in the Orthodox Media field and has sustained consistent growth over twenty-two years. We have worked to create a community for both believers and non believers alike by sharing the timeless faith of Orthodoxy with the contemporary world through modern media. We are on a mission to inspire Orthodox Christians Worldwide. Click to signup to receive weekly newsletter. 


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