In this podcast Hank Hanegraaff wants to highlight one of the most dangerous cults in the world. And we should know. The Christian Research Institute began as a counter-cult equipping ministry and has invested decades in monitoring the deceptions and distortions of cults. But Western Civilization has never known a cult like this one. Why? Because no other cult has come remotely close to the peril this one represents to civilization as we have known it. If this were a cult like Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormonism, it wouldn’t have made it past the front door. But since this is a secular cult, our now secularized culture has given it a green light. The cult is Wokeism. A cult that threatens our most basic values and freedoms; a cult that can literally destroy the world if it remains unchecked. For more information, see our current letter to supporters and the resource Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology, available for your partnering gift. Also be on the lookout for a forthcoming full length podcast interview with Noelle Mering on this resource.
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