What must I do to be saved? This is a popular question—and an important one—but it is not the Gospel. It is a response to the Gospel. For many the Gospel has often been reduced to a sales pitch of what Jesus can do for you. But, the Gospel isn’t about what Jesus can do for you. The Gospel is a declaration of what Jesus has done, solving the three biggest problems facing mankind—defeating death, sin and domination by demons. Hank is joined by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick to discuss what the true content of the gospel is—and how we are to respond. For more information on Fr. Damick’s book, Arise, O God: The Gospel of Christ’s Defeat of Demons, Sin, and Death, please click here. https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resource-arise-o-god-the-gospel-of-christs-defeat-of-demons-sin-and-death/
Topics discussed include: What is the Gospel? (2:45); the Gospel of Caeser (9:00); The Lord’s Prayer as a declaration of the Gospel (11:05); the Gospel is all about how Jesus solves the three biggest problems facing mankind—death sin and domination by demons (13:25); the reality of demons and the Harrowing of Hades (23:15); is technology inherently evil? (28:05); Jesus is the Messiah—the Old Testament and the New Testament are not two different religions (34:00); how Christ is Risen summarizes the Gospel (39:25); why do people often miss the reality of the Resurrection? (42:00); the role of faithfulness in the theology of Salvation (47:30); the positive significance of repentance in the life of a Christian (1:01:15); what must we do to be saved? (1:05:05); why should we believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist? (1:11:50); what happens to those who live and die without ever having heard the name of Jesus Christ? (1:24:15); similarities and differences between Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic Christians (1:28:25); what is Grace and why is it so often misinterpreted or misunderstood? (1:31:15); dogma, doctrine and theology (1:35:00); Sola Scriptura and Holy Tradition (1:41:45); Sola Fide and satisfaction theology (1:49:10); understanding faith and works through the lens of faithfulness (1:51:45); the rise of the Nones and the individualization of religious belief in the world today (1:54:00).
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