Have you ever brought a present to somebody? Maybe you were invited to a birthday party and you proudly brought your present for your friend. Have you ever brought a present for somebody you didn’t know? Maybe you donated food or clothes to somebody who needed it? Did your gifts make somebody happy? Were you excited to bring it?
The epistle reading tells a little about the great gift the apostles brought to people. They brought it to friends, and they brought it to people they didn’t even know! They were excited to bring their gift, because they were bringing something much more important than a birthday present or food and clothes. The epistle reading today says, “And we bring you the good news that what God promised to the fathers, this he has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus.” The gift the apostles brought was the good news of Jesus Christ. The good news that God kept His promise. The good news that Jesus rose from the dead and opened heaven for us all. The good news that we can live with Him forever!
The apostles brought this special gift to anyone who would take it. They
were excited to bring this gift. Can you share this gift with others too?
Print this Week’s Children’s Word.
What do you know about Saint John the Baptist? Did you know he was Jesus’s cousin? Did you know his parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth? Did you know
he baptized Jesus in the Jordan River? Did you know he told lots of people that the Savior was coming? Well, do you know how he died? Saint John got in a lot of trouble for telling people about Christ. He also got in a lot of trouble for telling people they were doing the wrong thing, and that they needed to change their ways!
Once, he told the king and his wife, Herodias, they were doing the wrong thing, and they didn’t want to hear it! Herodias’s daughter danced for the king, and the king said she could have anything she wanted, as a reward. Herodias was still angry at John for telling her what to do, so she did an awful thing. She told her daughter she wanted Saint John dead. She wanted his head!
The king had made a promise, and he wanted to keep it (even though he maybe didn’t want to). He had Saint John killed. Saint John was so close to Jesus when they lived on earth. Now, he would be even closer to Him when he joined his cousin in heaven. Today is such a special day because we remember Saint John and his love for Christ!
We remember St. John’s death today, August 29th (OC: Sept. 11th).