Jesus’s most loyal friends Jesus’s most loyal friends
Do you have a loyal friend? You know, somebody who will be your friend all the time, even
when other people decide not to be? Maybe you’ve had a friend who was not loyal…somebody who ignored you when he or she felt like it.
Today is the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women. These women were some of Jesus’s most loyal friends. When Jesus was arrested, they stayed loyal to Him. When Jesus was put on the Cross, these women stayed loyal to Him. Even after Jesus died, they stayed loyal to Him and brought sweet-smelling myrrh to the tomb. They thought His body would be there.
The myrrh-bearing women stayed loyal to Christ during the hardest and most dangerous part of His life on earth. And God rewarded them. They were the very first people to know that Christ had risen! When they came to the tomb, the women found an angel there. “He has risen!” the angel told them. Christ had risen, and the women stayed loyal to Him still!
God wants us to be loyal to Him too! That means that we stay close to Him even when things are hard. Even when we are embarrassed. Even when we are busy. Even when we are sad. God wants us to be loyal to Him even if things are dangerous or scary. Let’s be like these brave women who always stayed close to the Lord!
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How close are you to being 12 years old? Can you imagine being queen or king at age 12? Today, we celebrate a saint who ruled her country as child, along with her father. Then, when she was only 18, she became queen and ruled the country of Georgia all by herself.
Saint Tamara lived 900 years ago, but the people of Georgia still remember her as a perfect heroine of their country.
She was brave.—At that time, there were lots of attacks on her country, and Tamara always prayed to God to help her and to show her what to do. She was prayerful.—During the day, everybody saw Tamara as a queen. But at night, Tamara would spend hours in prayer.