Have your parents ever told you to set a good example? Or maybe a teacher has told you that? Playing together, eating meals together, working on projects together, saying our prayers together…if one person does the wrong thing, other kids might follow his example!

We are getting closer to the beginning of Great  Lent, and we know that a big part of Lent is improving how we act. The epistle today gives us a little advice about how we should try to set a good example with how we act.

In the Church, we know that we are all Christians together. We can help each other or hurt each other by how we act. Saint Paul told the early Christians this, and he tells us this today! Let’s try to be good examples for each other, especially during this special time of Lent. God wants us to help each other grow closer to Him. Can you try to do that, with your family and with your friends?

Click to Download this Week’s Children’s Word

Saint Nicholas of Planas: A Modern Saint
Do you have a photograph of your patron saint? Probably not! Most of the saints of our Church lived before cameras were invented. But on Wednesday, we will celebrate the feast day of Saint Nicholas of Athens. And we do have a photograph of him! He died less than a hundred years ago, in 1932. We celebrate Saint Nicholas on Wednesday, March 2nd (OC: March 15th). 


Presvytera Alexandra Houck

Presvytera Alexandra Houck created The Children's Word bulletin so children will know they are not only welcome in church, but even more, an essential part of the Church family. She hopes the weekly bulletin will be just one more way we can make kids feel at home in church. Presvytera Alexandra is a graduate of Duke University and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Her husband, Fr. Jason Houck, is a priest at St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN. Presvytera Alexandra and Fr. Jason have five small children: Lydia, Paul, Silas, Philip, and Sarah. Presvytera Alexandra grew up attending Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Asheville, North Carolina with her nine siblings.


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