Encouraging Spiritual Growth as We Pass the Half-Way Point of Great Lent.

Join myOCN Interactive Virtual Community on Let’s Talk, Thursday, April 8th at 7pm EST with Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis and Fr. Christopher Metropulos as they offer encouragement to stay focused, advice on how to get refocused and comment on the special themes that remain in Great Lent before we get to Holy Week.  Three weeks remain before Holy Week and there is ample time to spiritually grow this Lent. Signup for myOCN Updates.

Categories: Video


Fr. Chris Metropulos

Shaped by a life of service to Christ’s Church, Fr. Christopher has dedicated himself to using all the tools God has placed at his disposal to spread the light of Orthodoxy across America and around the world. As the Founding Father of the Orthodox Christian Network (OCN), he shepherds a dynamic and rapidly expanding ministry bringing joy, hope, and salvation in Jesus Christ to millions of listeners on the Internet around the world. Fr. Christopher is the former President of Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and has served in a number of positions in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


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