Have you ever wondered what you’d do if you won a million dollars…or more? Would you keep most of it for yourself? Would you buy yourself lots of things you’ve always wanted? Or maybe, would you share some of it with others?
In today’s epistle reading, Saint Paul tells us how rich God is. God is rich in mercy and love! Saint Paul tells us that God is so rich in mercy and love, but He shares this love for us. Even though we have done all kinds of things that are wrong, God shares His love, and He “made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up with Him, and made us sit with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
God is rich in love and mercy, but He didn’t just keep it to Himself! He shared it with us so that one day, “He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” God is so rich with love, that there’s no way to measure it. He will show us this love when we are with our Lord one day!
View and Download this week’s Children’s Word.
We celebrate St. Matthew, Nov. 16th (OC: Nov 29).
Sometimes, in magazines, you might see pictures of movie stars or models or athletes…BEFORE they were famous. Sometimes they look kind of funny, with hair from the 70s or with clothes you’d never wear today!
But now they’re famous, so it doesn’t even matter! Did you ever wonder what saints were like…before they were famous? Or before they were saints? Tomorrow we celebrate Saint Matthew. Saint Matthew was one of the special helpers of our Lord Jesus Christ. He spent lots of his life telling people about God. He even wrote one of the books of the Bible.