Beginning October 9th, join Fr. Nebojsa Pantic from Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monday nights for an overall look at the liturgical services as well as prayer services most often used in the life of the Church.

Join live on Zoom, 6:15pm Pacific Time, 9:15pm Eastern.

We will begin the course with a general overview of the Divine Services that can happen daily, weekly, and year around. Then we will take a look at the services in the Small Evhologion (prayer book) that is commonly used by priests, so we will have a Birds Eye view of what services are available to Orthodox Christians. View the full Autumn schedule below!

Fr. Nebojsa Pantic (Fr. Nebo) is a Serbian Orthodox Christian from Novi Sad, Serbia, who immigrated to and grew up in Northern Illinois (Gurnee). He went straight to seminary after High School and graduated from Hellenic College (2006) and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (2009) and recently finished an MBA at CAL STATE – Sacramento (2022). He made his home with his wife Stephanie in the Bay Area – California, and has served throughout the Bay Area including Oakland, Vallejo, and currently in San Jose. He has 2 small Children, Paraskevi (9) and Elias (5). He has a love for languages, music, and education! His aspiration for the this class is that we provide an opportunity for Orthodox Christians to get to the “why” and “how” of Orthodoxy, so they may more fully encounter God. By taking this brief history class during Lent, we can be inspired and equipped to more fully encounter our Lord’s Death and Resurrection this year.

October 9th
Prayer siphon (15-20 minutes)
Daily Prayer cycle (10-15 minutes
Every day is dedicated to something (5 minutes
Great Evhologion vs. small evhologion
Layout of the class
Daily cycle of services
Small evhologion
Divine Liturgy

October 16th
Prayer for child bearing (end of book)
1st day prayer
8th day naming
Circumcision of the Lord (Ypotomi)
40 day blessing
Entrance of the Lord in the Temple (Ypapanti)
Clinical Baptism
Royal Priesthood

October 23rd
Marriage service
2nd marriage service
3rd marriage
Historical roots

October 30th

November 6th
Holy Unction
Home unction service

November 13th
Visiting the Sick
Prayer of the Lance

November 20th
Evil Eye

November 27th
Prayers done by the Bishop @ funerals
Burial for priests

December 4th
Bright week services

December 11th
Blessings of new homes
Blessing of homes after Epiphany (in January)
Engagement blessing (blessing of the rings)
Wedding anniversaries

December 18th
Various blessings and services

December 25th
Come to church!

Categories: Video



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