Other than Scripture, Darwin’s magnum opus, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, might be the most significant literary work in history. light of the unprecedented impact of Darwinian dogma, it would be reasonable to expect it to be solidly rooted in truth. In reality, evolution is rooted in metaphysical contentions and mythological tales. However, as you will hear on today’s encore presentation of the Hank Unplugged podcast, the foundations of the great cosmogenic myth of evolutionary naturalism are crumbling.
A short while ago we received news that the great iconoclast of evolution, Jonathan Wells, had departed this life on his 82nd birthday. His death led us to listen to the last conversation with him on the Hank Unplugged podcast—a podcast devoted to his last book, Zombie Science which was a follow-up to the classic volume titled Icons of Evolution.
We could not help but think that our podcast discussion with Jonathan Wells provides one of the most concise and compelling refutations of the evolutionary paradigm we’ve ever heard. With two earned doctorates, Jonathan Wells was not only a brilliant scientific mind, but he was also incredibly brave in the face of the brazen attacks that await anyone who dares disagree with the so-called scientific consensus on evolution. His work brought to light the errors of the evolutionary paradigm, exposing especially the false icons that for decades have been passed off as settled science to unsuspecting young minds.

Just as Wells was an iconoclastic force when it came to evolution, he was likewise an icon of the Intelligent Design movement. influence will long outlast his life on earth and his heavenly reward will undoubtedly reflect his efforts that did so much to reveal the truth and beauty there is to be found in studying the resplendent handiwork of the Creator of the cosmos.  
We hope that you enjoy this encore presentation of Zombie Science as much as we did.
*This Hank Unplugged Podcast was originally aired in January of 2018*

Topics discussed include: Hank pays tribute to the great iconoclast of evolution—Jonathan Wells (0:30) what is zombie science? (13:00); the price to pay for taking stands against the status quo of materialism and Darwinian evolution in the scientific arena (22:00); examining various icons of evolution like Darwin’s tree of life (26:00); why has the war on Intelligent Design become so ferocious? (31:30); the miracle of metamorphosis (40:00); the strong scientific commitment to materialism (50:40); what is the myth of junk DNA? (54:15); the unnecessary idolization of Charles Darwin (58:15); the problem with making DNA the answer to everything (59:50); examples of zombie science (1:02:30); the threat to religion presented when materialism is masquerading as empirical science (1:08:30).

For further information on the resources of  Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution, Icons of Evolution DVD, and Memorable Keys to the F-A-R-C-E of Evolution, please click here.  https://www.equip.org/product/zombie-science-more-icons-of-evolution-icons-of-evolution-dvd-and-memorable-keys-to-the-f-a-r-c-e-of-evolution/

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