Idolization of Sexual Freedom with Megan Almon

Story tellers drive the culture and Christians must remember that we have the best story to tell. Megan Almon is a speaker with Life Training Institute and a Christian Research Journal contributor who authored the recent cover article Seeing Red: The...

Atheism on Trial

Atheists are launching a new wave of attacks against Christianity and faith in God, claiming that they have a more enlightened, scientific, and sophisticated worldview. Despite what these New Atheists might think, this is nothing new, and Dr. Louis...

Doctrine of Unity with Hank Hanegraaff

On this special edition of Hank Unplugged, Hank brings you a message that he delivered for the “Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative,” a conference uniting Orthodox and evangelical Christians to support one another with mutual respect and cooperation in the...

Women in Apologetics with Melissa Cain-Travis

Females are breaking barriers in the field of apologetics today like never before, which is why Hank has dubbed today’s guest Melissa Cain Travis and her female colleagues at Houston Baptist University as the five female superheroes of the...

Memorizing the Bible with O. S. Hawkins

Bestselling author O. S. Hawkins joins Hank to discuss their shared passion for memorizing scripture and why they believe it is critical for Christians to commit the Bible to memory, knowing that God speaks to us through His word and by His spirit....

The Porn Myth with Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd is the host of the popular podcasts Love People Use Things and Pints With Aquinas, as well as the author of The Porn Myth, a nonreligious response to the commonly held belief that pornography is a harmless pastime. During our conversation,...