Nathan Jacobs is a renaissance man. As an artist, author, philosopher, professor and filmmaker, Dr. Jacobs is truly an inspirational, informative and interesting individual. He joins Hank Hanegraaff for a series of podcasts seeking to better explain Eastern Orthodoxy and explain away many of the most common misconceptions people have about Eastern Orthodoxy. In this podcast they make a historical and biblical defense of icons and wonder whether those who are against iconography may actually have an inadequate understanding of the incarnation.

Topics discussed include: John of Damascas and his defense of icons (2:35); do those who are against icons, iconoclasts, have an inadequate view of the incarnation? (6:00); explaining the veneration of icons (13:45); the historical role of icons in a world of illiteracy and oral traditions that didn’t have the biblical texts that we often take for granted today (26:35); the appeal and potential profundity of icons in our world today as evangelical examples (31:20); an article by Hank’s son David Hanegraaff, “Does the Bible Answer Man’s son believe he has left the Christian faith?” and a preview of the next podcast in the series (38:25).

Nathan Jacobs article, “John of Damascus and His Defense of Icons” is in the following issue of the Christian Research Journal.
Subscribe today (Feb 2020) and receive this as your first issue.

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