The Cross Before Me The Way to the Good Life with Rankin Wilbourne

Rankin Wilbournes Union with Christ is one of Hanks favorite books, so when Wilbournes newest book The Cross Before Me The Way to the Good Life arrived in the mail he read it immediately. As soon as he finished reading the book he knew that he needed…

Saint Sophrony of Essex: the Theologian of the Hypostatic Principle is now in the Choir of Saints of the Church

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew left to the end his final surprise, bringing the joy of the resurrection: the announcement  of a fifth new saint which the Mother Church of Constantinople has elevated to the ranks of God’s chosen. This is Elder, now Saint Sophrony (Sacharov), founder and builder of the Holy Read more…

The Church Celebrates, the Holy Mountain Rejoices and the Orthodox Commonwealth Glorifies

Stelios Koukos   Four Athonite Elders are inscribed in the rolls of the saints. The Church celebrates, the Holy Mountain rejoices and the Orthodox commonwealth glorifies. Today hesychasts, cave-dwellers, those living in kellia and sketes are permeated with the brightness of sanctity. The coenobitic monasteries on Athos now have their Read more…