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Director’s Message: Embracing the Joys of the Post-Easter Celebration and Summer Rest: A Build-Up to the LA Gala

Let the Spirit Lead
Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis encourages us to “leave room for the Holy Spirit” and be open to the possibilities of where He will lead us.

The Church Lights the Way: Father Sampson Kasapakis
Christo Pappademos talks with Father Sampson Kasapakis about the influence the church had on the decisions he made on the road to ordination.

Metropolitan Sotirios of Pisidia on Saint Thomas the Apostle
St. Thomas is often remembered for his doubt about the Resurrection of Christ, but it was his unequivocal confession of faith that emboldened him to live and die for the Lord.

Saint Luke the Physician on the Presence of the Holy Spirit
Saint Luke of Crimea describes the intangible grace of the Holy Spirit, a force of great power that leaves us with an incomparable peace and joy.

Father Nathaniel Johnson: A Lifetime of Service and Wisdom
Father Nathaniel Johnson’s long journey to the priesthood was bolstered by the knowledge that “everything comes from God the Father.”

The Legacy Society
Supporting the ministries of the Orthodox Christian Network through planned giving plays a pivotal role in meeting the needs of Orthodox Christians everywhere.

Ways to Contribute

Thinking Orthodox: A Conversation with Dr. Eugenia Constantinou
Join Father Christopher Metropulos as he speaks with Orthodox theologian Dr. Eugenia Constantinou about cultivating an Orthodox mindset.

Celebrating the Brightness at Home
Presvytera Mallory Kasapakis offers several practical suggestions on how to extend the brightness of the Resurrection into our lives on a daily basis.

Finding Our True Identity
Michael Haldas examines the struggle to cast aside our “false self” in pursuit of our true identity in Christ.

A Conversation with Alex, Tim, and Nick
Alex, Tim, and Nick share their journey as converts to the Orthodox faith and how it has changed their lives.

Marriage as a Paschal Mystery
Fr. Bassam A. Nassif looks at the sacrament of marriage as a path to inner healing, spiritual progress, and the mysterious joy of the Resurrection.

Boiled Beets and Greens Salad
Chef Emmy Louvaris transforms the entire beet—roots and greens—into a salad brimming with the fresh flavors of summer.



OCN Team is comprised of these gifted authors, teachers, thinkers, priests, parents, young adults and human beings at the Orthodox Christian Network.


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