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3 Director’s Letter

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4 IOCC Sets $1 Million Goal for Ukraine 

The humanitarian and development agency International Orthodox Christian Charities  (IOCC) is responding to needs created by the war in Ukraine. Given the enormity of the  crisis, IOCC has launched a campaign to raise at least $1 million in private donations to  support this work. 

6 Sunday of St. John Climacus By Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios

St. John’s best-known work, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, has been spiritual food for  Orthodox monks and nuns for over 1,400 years.  

7 Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt By Metropolitan Anthony Bloom

St. Mary of Egypt was a sinner, someone whose sin was known to everyone and not to  God alone. And yet, one day, she wanted to go and venerate an icon of the Mother of God  in a church. 

9 Lazarus Saturday By Fr. Lev Gillet 

Lazarus’s resurrection is mysteriously linked to the resurrection of Christ himself. 

11 Palm Sunday By Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes 

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The  feast commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all  four canonical Gospels. 

12 Ways to Support 

13 Service of the Bridegroom By Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis 

The journey of repentance is not about what we’ve accomplished, but what we still lack. 

15 Holy Unction By Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis 

On Holy Wednesday, we have the opportunity to receive Holy Unction, one of the sacraments  of the Church. 

16 Great Friday By Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou 

Bear in mind what I have said about how the Church expresses her wonder at God’s humility;  the Creator doing things for us which are, quite frankly, degrading. 

17 Easter in the Liturgical Year By Fr. Alexander Schmemann

In the center of our liturgical life, in the very center of that time which we measure as year,  we find the feast of Christ’s Resurrection. 

20 Addressing Mental Health 

Tracey Yokas is the author of the book Bloodlines: A Memoir of Self-harm and Healing  Generational Trauma, coming in May 2023.  

23 Renewing Your Mind 

Fr. Nicholas Louh is the author of Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist and a Plan



OCN Team is comprised of these gifted authors, teachers, thinkers, priests, parents, young adults and human beings at the Orthodox Christian Network.


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