Join myOCN Community and Fr. Tom Zaferes as we make a Pilgrimage to Pascha!
This weekly Monday program will highlight the various themes and spiritual insights the Church offers each week in preparation for Great Lent (the Pre-lenten period), Great Lent and Holy Week utilizing hymnography, scriptural readings, teachings of the church and services.

Beginning February 19th: Live and recorded every Monday!

Mondays ay 4pm PST/7pm EST. Special schedule will be posted for Holy Week!

The series from from Fr. Tom Zaferes at Ascension Cathedral in Oakland, CA will highlight the various themes and spiritual insights the Church offers each week in preparation for Great Lent (the Pre-lenten period), Great Lent and Holy Week utilizing hymnography, scriptural readings, teachings of the church and services.

The goal will be to revive our spiritual awareness, deepen our faith and to more fully experience this sacred time of the year and to joyfully celebrate Holy Week and Pascha.

New videos every Monday through Pascha!

Watch LIVE on Youtube  or Register Now to join on zoom. 

Categories: VideoArticles



OCN Team is comprised of these gifted authors, teachers, thinkers, priests, parents, young adults and human beings at the Orthodox Christian Network.


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