Seemingly no topic is off limits when it comes to Anne Kennedy—a prolific author who has compiled a comprehensive catalogue of the cultural issues facing our world today through her contributions to the Christian Research Journal. She joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss the topics of several of her articles in a wide-ranging conversation that touches on gaslighting, Black Lives Matter, modern attacks on womanhood, cancel culture and much more. To make sure to always be able to read Anne Kennedy’s print and online-exclusive articles, please subscribe to the print Journal here and early access to online-exclusives is included.

Please see below for some of the recent articles discussed:

For Our Lamps are Going Out: Gaslighting in the Age of Social Media

African Traditional Religion, Black Lives Matter, and Prosperity Gospel

Be Free! The Making of Biblical Womanhood A Summary Critique of The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth by Beth Allison Barr

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