Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the 𝘉𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘯 broadcast, distinguishes between ministry-centric giving and soul-centric giving. CRI is committed to that which is soul-centric—interested in the spiritual benefit that giving abounds to the account of the giver. Less focused on the needs of ministry—though important and significant—CRI focuses more on the nous (mind/soul—“the eye of the heart,” “the seat of our spiritual perceptions”) of the giver. Become conscious of the blessings inherent in giving—that giving changes the giver. Give because in giving you will be transformed. As we approach the end of 2021, thank you to all who have given to the life-changing work of the Christian Research Institute—the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank Unplugged podcast, Christian Research Journal, equip.org, and the other ministry work of CRI that your generosity enables. To partner with CRI, click here for more info: https://www.equip.org/donate/




OCN Team is comprised of these gifted authors, teachers, thinkers, priests, parents, young adults and human beings at the Orthodox Christian Network.


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